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  Function            isdrivelocal - is drive local or remote

  Syntax              int isdrivelocal(int drive);

  Prototype in        doshhk.h

  Remarks             isdrivelocal() detects if a drive determined by
                      drive, where 0=default, 1=A, 2=B, etc. is local
                      (Microsoft Networks) or remote (redirected to

                      isdrivelocal requires DOS 3.x+

  Return value        isdrivelocal returns:

                            0:  remote
                            1:  local
                           -1:  error

                      If there was an error, Borland's variable errno
                      will contain the error code as follows:

                            1   function number invalid
                            4   no handle available
                            5   access denied
                           13   data invalid
                           15   drive number invalid

  See also            iscdevicemoderaw(), ishandlelocal(),
                      isRedirectStdin(), isRedirectStdout(),
                      isremoveable(), setcdevicemode()

See Also: isremoveable()
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